The length of the therapy cannot be predicted.Speech therapy can vary from a short duration for something like an isolated tongue tie to a lengthy period of time for people who have hearing loss, autism, or cerebral palsy. It also depends on other issues like presence of structural or functional deficits (cleft palate), parental involvement and last but not the least the client motivation.Each case needs to be looked at individually.The rate and pattern of improvement is different for every child.Progress is evaluated in three to six month intervals.
Speech is defined as spoken language. It refers to “ the physical act of moving the articulators (jaw, tongue, and lips) to make sounds and involves articulation, voice, and fluency.
Language is a socially shared code that represents concepts with arbitrary symbols, which provides a set of rules as to how those symbols can be combined and used. It refers to the entire system of expressing and receiving information in a way that’s meaningful. It involves our understanding of others (receptive) and our meaningful expression of thoughts and feelings (expressive).Both speech and language affect our ability to effectively communicate with the people around us.
Absolutely not! Although speech and language disorders are associated with some intellectual disabilities, there are plenty of children with average to above average intelligence who struggle with speech and language. These children may just need help learning to produce sounds correctly, monitor the fluency of their speech, or find the words to express themselves. A little help can go a long way!
Parents are not required, but are welcome to stay when their child receives therapy at times. We encourage parents to be active participants in their child’s services. If the parent is not present during therapy, the parent should return five to ten minutes before the conclusion of therapy so the therapist can review the session and possible homework.
Play is a huge part of speech and language therapy because it encourages learning in a natural and fun way.Play is really the work of childhood. Mr.Rogers said “Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children, play is serious learning. Kids often leave speech therapy sessions talking about all the fun they had and the games they played. This is a good thing!
Speech and language disorders in children can affect the way they talk, understand, analyze or process information. Four major areas in which these impairments occur include
Yes.Learning to communicate is the foundation for learning at school. Research has shown that early development of language is important for academic success, for understanding the teacher, learning to read, write and do math, and for developing relationships with teachers, and peers.Difficulties in communicating can lead to frustration and social or behavioural problems , which in turn affect child’s academic performance. The ability to communicate with peers and adults in the educational setting is essential for a student to succeed in school.
Children with communication disorders frequently do not perform at grade level and may struggle with reading, have difficulty understanding and expressing language, misunderstand social cues, avoid attending school, show poor judgment, and struggle with test taking. Difficulties in listening, speaking, reading, or writing will lead to problems in production, comprehension, and awareness of language sounds, syllables, words, sentences, and conversations. Reading and writing problems will also lead way to problems with communication, thinking, and learning.
Average therapy frequency is 1 time per week for a duration of 1 hour. Select clients receive higher therapy frequency and lower therapy duration; still others come in on biweekly or monthly basis to maintain skill level/abilities.
“Red flags” for speech and language development are signs that a child might not be developing like his/her peers. Some “red flags,” for speech or language delay include:
If a child is showing any of these “red flags,” contact a Speech-Language Pathologist.
Receptive language disorder means the child has difficulties with understanding what is said to them. The symptoms vary between individuals but, generally, problems with language comprehension usually begin before the age of four years.In most cases the child also has an expressive language disorder, which means they have trouble using spoken language.
Expressive language includes the skills involved in communicating one’s thoughts and feelings to others. An expressive language disorder concerns difficultly with verbal expression.Expressive language disorder affects work and schooling in many ways. It is usually treated by specific speech therapy, and usually cannot be expected to go away on its own.
Motor speech disorders can make it very difficult for individuals to clearly and effectively express themselves, which can be very frustrating. People with motor speech disorders know what they want to say, but cannot get it out. The two types of motor speech disorders are:
Aphasia is a language disorder, usually caused by damage to the left side of the brain. There are different types of aphasia that affect people in various ways. Aphasia can make it difficult for a person to understand spoken or written information. It can also affect a person’s ability to speak or write. Sometimes an individual can have impairments in all of these areas to some degree. The different types of aphasia are known as global, Broca’s, transcortical motor, conduction, anomic, transcortical sensory and Wernicke’s aphasia.
Voice is the sound produced by vibration of the vocal cords (vocal folds) in the larynx (voice box). A voice disorder occurs when the vocal folds do not vibrate effectively to produce a clear sound.
Causes of voice disorders can include abuse or misuse of the voice, such as yelling, excessive throat clearing, or speaking too loudly. These types of behaviours result in excessive hard closure of the vocal folds causing blister-like bruises that can harden into callous-like lesions called vocal fold nodules. Other causes of voice disorders can include Laryngo -Pharyngeal Reflux (excessive stomach acid backing into the larynx), vocal fold polyps, vocal fold paralysis, vocal fold cysts, etc.
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